Fresh Meat Blog - There is no sorry in roller derby.

Back in 2012, I was taking a swim class at the university. One day, the woman I often swam next to asked me if I liked to skate. I reminisced about field trips and birthdays that used to fill my schedule at Roller Kingdom. Of course, this followed with an affirmative answer and she invited me to a recruiting event for the Reno Roller Girls. They had plenty of gear and milk crates full of skates for us to use as we got a feel for what this sport was all about. The first two skills I learned – one technical and one “soft” – were how to fall and “there is no sorry in roller derby”.

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June Featured Skater: Brooke Sloan

June Featured Skater: Brooke Sloan

Many of you know her as Brooke Sloan; some of you remember her as Sushi Roll. Whichever name you know her by, she’s been around since the beginning of Hard Knox. In what ways has she seen the sport of roller derby evolve over the last decade? How has she kept her love for derby alive after all these years? Where does she look to for inspiration out on the track? Read on to learn more about June’s featured skater, Brooke Sloan.

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HKRG 2016 Season-Opener

HKRG 2016 Season-Opener

The 2016 Hard Knox Roller Girls' home season is upon us. This year is momentous. This year is huge. This year marks a milestone. HKRG turns 10 years old this year! Come celebrate a decade of derby! To start off the 2016 home season, Hard Knox hits the floor with a double-header against Atlanta, Georgia at the Cooper Athletic Center on the Maryville College Campus in Maryville, TN. Doors open at 4pm. See you there! 

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