She may be new to our league, but she's not new to the sport of roller derby. Our recent post-season produced several new skaters, some of which were transfers, for Hard Knox. This month's featured skater is one of those transfers, and we're super excited to have her on board. Where does she hail from? How long has she played derby? What is her favorite position out on the track?
If you're eager to learn more about one of our newest additions, then kick back and enjoy reading this fun little interview about May's Featured Skater, #22, Val Killmore.
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If someone would have told me 10 years ago that I’d be part of a roller derby league in East Tennessee, I would have laughed in their face. Before June of 2015, the last time I’d worn a pair of roller skates was undoubtedly sometime in the mid-90s at a SkateZone birthday party. For most of my life I was unaware of any skating that didn’t involve lacing up some rentals with a belly full of birthday cake and concession stand nachos. Although it’s not exactly clear to me when the idea first came to mind, I know my curiosity about roller derby was already brewing and dramatically intensified when the movie Whip It hit theaters. This is an option? It’s possible to be an adult athlete playing a team-sport on wheels? Incredible! . . .
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She's a skater, painter, mother, and teacher, but best of all, she's now a Hard Knox Roller Girl! Thang 1 transferred to Hard Knox from our sister league last year. After spending 3 years playing for Little City, Thang 1 got the chance to go back to her roots and become a member of the league with which she played her first ever derby bout.
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This metal head turned roller girl is quite the unique individual. While music and caffeine make Black Stabbath’s world go ‘round, she has several other interests and hobbies with which she keeps herself busy. She may seem quiet and shy when you first meet her, but get this girl in front of a live band, and she'll thrash around with the best of them!
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