February Featured Skater: Lemon Drop Her

Headshot of Lemon DropHer. She is seen from the waist up in her black jersey with her hand on her hips. She is taking a bite out of a lemon and looking directly into the camera with a cheeky expression.

Name: Lemon DropHer

Number: 818

Travel Team: Brawlers

Home Team: Bettys

Years skating: 2

She’s a ball of sunshine who isn’t afraid to unleash a sour punch out on the track! Get to know February’s skater of the month: Lemon DropHer!

You were nominated by Shreddy Krueger, who wants to know: What is the thing that you’re most proud of since you started fresh meat until now? What are you proud of achieving?

Snapchat selfie of Lemon and Shreddy. They are in their makeup for Naughty or Nice. The caption says, "Glam!"

Okay! That’s a lot. I started off with fresh meat barely knowing—I mean, I knew how to skate, but that’s about all I knew how to do. Now I know how to do all these things, so I guess I’m most proud that I stuck with it, honestly, because when it got really hard, there were a lot of times where it was just like, I don’t want to do this, you know? And I kind of got discouraged, but I stuck with it, and now I can do all these things that I never thought I could do.

During the new people’s fresh meat, I was able to do a slide and glide for the first time, and I’m really proud of that? Because I had been struggling with that for so long. Doing transitions is another one that I’m really proud of because it took me such a long time for that to click in my head, for it to be like, “Oh, okay, this makes sense, I can do this.”

I think I’m just most proud of sticking with it and all the different things that I’ve been able to do and learn. I’m excited to continue to learn and get better, you know. Because it’s, you know, always improving. There is no, “you’re done.” There’s always more stuff you can learn.

Absolutely! Well, what brought you to roller derby in the first place?

Triple D actually. I was approached back in, what, 2015, something crazy, when I lived in Wisconsin, and they were like, “You should do roller derby!” And I said, “I’m going to college and working full time, I do not have time for derby.” Then I moved here, and I was getting my oil changed, and Triple D was at his shop, and he asked, “What are you doing today?” I was like, “I just moved here, I don’t have plans, I don’t know anyone.” He said, “Well, if you don’t have plans, you should go to roller derby. They have a bout tonight.” And I said, “Oh, I’ve always wanted to do roller derby, but it was either the wrong time, and also I feel like I’m too small.” He actually mentioned you, he was like, “There’s smalls on the team and she’s shorter than you, so if she can do it, you can do it!” And I said, “Oh, okay, so let’s go check it out!”

Selfie on the bench taken by November Pain. Lemon is the only one looking at the camera and smiling.

I went, and he found me in the crowd and was like, “Hey, come here, I want you to meet all the skaters.” I remember I met Psych [Wazowski], and I met Trauma [Queen], and they were really—everyone was so nice and accepting, and they weren’t at all judgey or ew, you know? Everyone was just super nice. Then I went to the afterparty and everyone again was so nice and accepting. Psych was like, “Are you going to do it?” And I said, “I want to.” She gave me the information for fresh meat, and that’s kind of how I found you guys: through word of mouth from Triple D, and then I went and I was like, “Wow, this is really cool.” And everyone said, “You can do this too!” And I was like, “Me?” And I did! And I’m glad I did.

And we’re glad you did! What brought you to Knoxville in the first place?

We (my boyfriend and I) he transferred with his job. He works for a timeshare company, so we could have moved anywhere, but we went here to visit, and we really fell in love with the mountains, and the fact that y’all still have seasons (because we can’t live without snow, being from up north). But yeah, it was just so beautiful here, and we really liked the Knoxville area—there’s a lot to do and it reminded us a lot of Madison, Wisconsin, because it’s also a college town. It’s very—I want to say very liberal, but I mean yeah, it’s very liberal, and it has a lot of different groups and things, a lot of cool stuff, and so we’re like, “Oh, we could live here.” And then we did! He went and transferred with his job, and we ended up here. It’s really a cool area.

Side profile of Lemon on the bench. Her name is clearly visible on her green helmet.

How did you decide on your skater name and number?

I went through a bunch of different ones, and I was talking to (before I joined) Guacarole, and she was saying, “Well, what do you like?” And I was like, “I like this, I like this, I like lemons because my cat’s name is Lemon and I just like lemons.” And she was like, “What about like, Lemon…Drop?” I said, “That’s good, I like that.”

Lemon in her jersey from the back, showing her number and name.

I was thinking about it (I had a couple other ones in mind too) and then during fresh meat, I want to say it was Slam who came up to me and asked, “Hey, do you have a derby name yet?” I said, “I was thinking Lemon Drop maybe?” And she was like, “Lemon Drop Her, then it sounds like a derby name.” And I was like, “Okay!” And I played around with it, and imagined in my head: “And number blah-blah: Lemon DropHer!” And I’m like, that’s good, yeah, I like that. So I ended up going with it. And I have no regrets because I love being Lemon.

My number is my boyfriend’s birthday, August 18. Because he’s been really supportive of me just being like, hey, I’m going to do roller derby. And he’s like, okay! Because my dad, when he found out I was going to do roller derby, was like, “Honey, you got hit in the face one time when you were a kid playing soccer and you quit. You’re going to go and skate and hit people? That doesn’t sound like you.” And I was like, “I’m going to do it!” And I did. And Jack, my boyfriend, he never had that moment of, are you sure you can do this? He’s just been really like, okay, sure.

I also like the way the number looks. It’s very symmetrical, like you can flip it and it’s the same either way, and I like that. Yeah, so that’s where I got that from. And my cat’s name is Lemon, so there’s two Lemons now!

Lemon the cat sitting on a comfortable chair. She is brown, black, and white, and is staring at the camera with an unamused expression.

It is always funny hearing you talk about Lemon, but it’s your cat who you’re talking about.

The other Lemon, like the Lemon cat. Sometimes I pick her up, and be like, “Lemon Drop Her!” and I’ll drop her on the ground, and she’ll look at me like why? I mean, she’s a cat, so she lands on her feet, and she’s fine, but she just looks at me like, “Rude!” She’s a good girl.

How would you describe your derby playing style? 

Ohhhhh, that’s a good question, I don’t even know! Chaotic, I don’t know! I mean, I’m trying to get better at track awareness because I have ADHD, so I feel like my brain is always trying to take in all the information at once, so I’ve been trying to use that to my advantage and pay attention to what’s all going around me. But then sometimes it can be the opposite, it can be kind of hard, because then I’m trying so hard to pay attention to everything around me that I forget that the jammer exists, and then they go right past me, and I’m like, “Dammit!” So I don’t know, I guess, what do you mean by derby playing style? Is that like what position or—?

Lemon blocking as a substitute skater woth Smoky Mountain Roller Derby. She has an intense expression on her face.

It can literally be anything at all. I think chaotic is a good way to describe it because especially as blockers, you know, we kind of have to be everywhere at any given time.

Yeah, right, it’s like okay you need to block, but also here comes our jammer, and here comes their jammer, and it’s just ahhhh! Yeah, it’s a lot all at once, and I’m trying to get better at honing in and just paying attention a little better but also being aware. It’s kind of like a chaotic little mess in my brain, in the best possible way.

Well your brain is connecting with my brain because I was literally going to ask if you had any goals for the season! Is there anything else that you have that you want to try to get on the track this year?

Yeah, I really really want to learn how to crab this year, because I cannot crab to save my life! My hips just do not want to go out, they want to go in. I can pigeon [step] for days, but then you ask me to crab, and my body’s like, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” I want to learn how to crab, I want to get better track awareness, and I think I want to—I like being a blocker, but I do want to try to pivot more often and become more aware of the fact that I’m wearing the pivot [panty], because I think a lot of times I’ll be like, “Oh sure, I’ll pivot,” and then the jammer’s stuck, and I’m just like, “Huh? Oh that’s me, right, okay, I have to do something.” I guess that kind of goes with track awareness.

Lemon jamming as a substitute skater with Smoky Mountain Roller Derby. She is trying to push past Femme Fatale on the inside line.

I feel like I’m kind of learning the rules better, but I also just want to get better at understanding strategy I guess. When we did Naughty or Nice, I was really struggling and I was jamming, and I called it because I was so tired, and then the coach said, “I get that, but the other jammer was stuck, and we were trying to tire them out, and then I was going to tell you to call it when they get tired and that way you could have gotten the points if you could get by.” And I was like, “I didn’t even think about that as an option, you know?” Because I don’t really think about strategy, I’m just kind of in the moment, what to do, but I kind of want to learn more about strategies, that way I can actually plan things like that instead of being, you know, in the moment.

Lemon and her dad after a bout. Lemon is still in full gear. Both are smiling widely.

I also want to communicate better as a blocker. Trauma recommended that I just talk the whole time, and I’m going to try that this season, the whole time I’m blocking just be talking so that I can get used to communicating more on the track, not being afraid to communicate.

If you had a theme song that we would all hear whenever you do something awesome on the track, what would you want it to be?

I listen to a lot of lemon themed songs. [laughs] There’s “Lemonade” by Gucci Mane. That’s a good one because it says, “call that pack the lemon drop,” and that’s literally my name. I always listen to that before a bout or before practice because it makes me feel pumped up, so I feel like that would be a good one. Or “Lemon” by N.E.R.D. and Rihanna, that’s another good one too. But yeah, probably one of those two.

Do you have any other pre-game rituals that you like to do on bout day?

I always get an energy drink because I know it’s going to be a long day.You know I usually do track maintenance, so I have to be there a little early, so I get some food, get a big thing of water, get an energy drink, and then go. I usually do my makeup before I get there just because I’m afraid that if things get chaotic I won’t have time to, and I like doing my makeup for derby. I think it’s a fun way to get ready. I feel like Lemon is kind of like my altar ego, and I need to get in the headspace of being Lemon, and so I have to get my makeup ready to be Lemon, and all this different stuff, so I feel like that’s one of my rituals: get in the head space, listen to the songs, put on the makeup, get the Red Bull, and then go and get that track maintained.

Lemon, Slamwise Gamgee, and Deaf Rattle laying down tape on bout day.

What have been some of your favorite derby moments off the track?

Maybe because it’s the most recent thing that happened, but Naughty or Nice was really really fun, and it’s really fun to play against my teammates because we’re all so used to each other’s playing style, that we forget that we’re on separate teams. So I was jamming one time and I think Trauma was like, “Oh, Lemon!” and she let me by, and then she realized, “Wait, Lemon’s not on my team.” Then next time I came around, she hit me real good and she was like, “I’m sorry!” And I said, “No, it’s great, I love it!” I love when people hit me, you know? They don’t feel like I’m this fragile little thing that, you know, because I don’t know if you had this experience because we’re short, I think people think of us as small and fragile and don’t hurt them. Derby’s the only real time where people are like, “You’re not fragile!” and will actually hit me, and I appreciate that because yeah, I’m not! Just because I’m five foot nothing doesn’t mean I can’t take a hit, you know? But yeah, Naughty or Nice was a really great time because we all got to see each other during the off season and it was nice to play with my teammates but also play against my teammates. 

I just love hanging out with people outside of just practice and stuff too. The Bettys got together over the break; we went bowling and that was so much fun because we’re so—some of us are so competitive on the track, but then when we’re off the track and we’re playing bowling, a lot of us are just like, whatever, it’s fine. Except for Rattle. Rattle’s pretty competitive, even with bowling! But that was fun, those were some good times that we had off the track that were just good team bonding.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I like to read. When we were snowed in this weekend, I read a lot. I like to take my dog to the dog park. I have a Basset Hound puppy, he’s like a year old and has a lot of energy, so we have to go to the dog park and go for walks a lot so he doesn’t destroy my apartment [laughs]. Other than that, me and Jack are big Packers fans, so during the season, we go to a local Packers bar and we’ll watch the game and cheer on our team.

Lemon and Jack at a Packers bar with their dog and friends.

And that’s about it really. I’m kind of a homebody as I’ve gotten older; I like being home. Derby is my extracurricular activity, and all my other stuff is—I just want to go home and read. Maybe play some soft video games like Animal Crossing and things that I can just relax. Stardew Valley’s a good one. But yeah, not much of a hard core gamer, I just want to build my silly little town and hang out with my silly little creatures and relax, I don’t want to kill anybody in a video game. Or I just want to read and escape to somewhere else that isn’t my own reality.

What advice do you have for our skaters who just graduated from our Fresh Meat Boot Camp?

Honestly my best advice would be to just show up, keep showing up, and don’t give up. Because like I said, the very first practice with everybody was really intimidating because we’re wearing our yellow vests and everyone knows that we’re the new people, and I feel like everyone knows each other and it can be kind of intimidating, but just stay with it because everyone really wants you to be there, and we all want you to succeed.

So don’t give up and just keep counting all of your little successes. Even if it’s a small thing to you, be like, “Hey, I did that! And that’s really cool!” Because then you’ll build momentum and you’ll want to accomplish more and more, and you’ll see your growth at the end of the season, you’ll be like, “Holy cow, I did that thing! I went from this to that, look at that!” And that’s really cool, to be able to look at your progress and see how far you’ve come. So just don’t give up, keep at it, show up, and don’t get discouraged. And talk to the vets if you have questions because they are all very nice and want to help!

Lemon's fresh meat class and teachers smiling in a group shot. Lemon is laying on her side at the front, smiling widely.

Who would you like to nominate for next month, and what do you want to ask them?

Wheels of Justice. Have you done competitive sports other than roller derby? How are they similar or different? Do you have a favorite?

Thanks for a fun conversation Lemon! Readers, your Hard Knox Roller Derby skaters have started practicing once again, and that’s not just All Stars and Brawlers—team Chaos is our newest and most enthusiastic bunch! Keep an eye out for them on social media, and encourage them to keep up with this chaotic and fun sport. Until next time, be like Lemon, and stick with something even when it’s hard.
