Are you interested in joining the league as a skater, referee or volunteer? Learn more below, and follow us on social media to keep up to date on our fresh meat sessions!
Photo by Josh Williams
Photo: Gunner Quist
Photo: John Edwin May
Hard Knox Roller Derby currently has three teams within our league: The All-Stars (A-Team), Brawlers (B-Team), Chaos (C-Team) and Marble City Mayhem (open-gender team). The All-Stars is HKRD's competitive WFTDA team, which plays sanctioned bouts against other WFTDA teams for international rankings within the WFTDA organization. The Brawlers is HKRD’s B-team, which is a great place to learn derby skills and gameplay. Marble City Mayhem is a highly-competitive mixed gender team. All teams compete in home and away bouts. Read the Travel Teams section below to see membership requirements.
Not interested in being a competitive skater but still love to skate? Then put on some black and white stripes and join Team Zebra! We'd love to have you help referee our bouts.
And if skating isn't your cup of tea, that's totally cool. We always have a need for volunteers to fill our non-skating positions during home bouts. Read the NSO section below for more details.
HKRD Travel Teams: The Allstars, Brawlers, Chaos & Marble City Mayhem
Who it's for: skaters who want the challenge of competitive play against other teams from across the country.
Must be 18+ years old
Must wear quad roller skates, an approved helmet, hard shell knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, and a mouthguard
Dues: $30.00 per month
Insurance: WFTDA insurance is required. The fee this year is $75.00.
Must pass WFTDA minimum skills test and rules test. Training is provided.
Member Contribution Hours: Skaters must complete 5 hours of volunteer work for the league each month.
Attendance: 80% attendance of mandatory, in-season practices is required in order to be eligible for gameplay. Mandatory, in-season practices are held in Knoxville each Sunday 2:30–5:30 pm and Wednesday from 6:00–9:00 pm.
Follow us on social media or send us a message for information about our next bootcamp for new skaters.
Photo: John Edwin May
Team Zebra
Who it's for: skaters who want to participate in roller derby without playing. Referees are absolutely invaluable to the success of HKRD.
Must be 18+ years old
Dues: No dues are required, unless a member of HKRD
Member Contribution Hours: required only on game day but we appreciate any other help you want to provide throughout the season.
Insurance: WFTDA insurance is required. The fee this year is $75.00.
Referees may wear quad roller skates or inline skates and must have an approved helmet, hard shell knee and elbow pads, wrist
guards, mouthguard, and whistle.
Non-Skating Officials
Who it's for: anyone who wants to volunteer to support HKRD without skating. Our bouts would not be possible without our NSOs, so we are always recruiting volunteers.
Requirements for Non-Skating Officials:
No requirements outside of showing up for assigned task on game days. No dues, no MCH, and no attendance requirements
Training is provided