September Featured Skater: Space Riot

September Featured Skater: Space Riot

Many of you may know her from seeing her on the track executing a fancy spin move off the back of an opposing skater or assisting the jammer by providing some sweet offense, but did you know she is also the team mystic and has a love for aggressive quad skating and Stevie Nicks?

How did she discover the amazing world of roller derby?  How has her game progressed from when she first began?  And will this upcoming game be the game she just goes for it--the epic apex jump?  To find out, take a moment to sit down, relax and read about this month's featured skater, Space Riot!!!

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August Featured Skater: Unsweet T

August Featured Skater: Unsweet T

You've seen her on the track for many, many years. She jams, she blocks. She crabs around the outside line. She likes to wear short shorts. She's not very sweet... or is she?! Who could it be?... That's right, you've guessed it. This month's featured skater is the one, the only, Unsweet T!

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