July Featured Skater: AnnihilApe

July Featured Skater: AnnihilApe

If you caught our season opener back on June 3rd, then you noticed a fresh new face out on the track with the Brawlers. We've grown our league considerably this season, and we're super stoked to have so many new skate sisters. One in particular brings an inspiring energy with her. According to DDG, this skater has tenacity, eagerness, and an insatiable thirst for roller derby. Who is it, you wonder? Her name is AnnihilApe and she's ready to skate! 

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Fresh Meat Blog: Welcome to my Evil Side, it's Mz Hyde

Fresh Meat Blog: Welcome to my Evil Side, it's Mz Hyde

I received a call in April of 2016 from my friend, Ally Wheeler, asking me to go with her to a roller derby meet-n-greet. She said she really wanted to go and see what it was all about. She said, “Please go with me because I don’t want to go by myself.” So finally I agreed but told her not to try and persuade me into signing up. I honestly didn’t think the timing was right in my life.

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June Featured Skater: Drop Dead…Gorgeous

June Featured Skater: Drop Dead…Gorgeous

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you...that wide, bright smile you could recognize a mile away belongs to none other than, Drop Dead...Gorgeous. That's right, she's back in town and sharing the track with the rest of the Hard Knox Roller Girls! She's ready to kick off our home season here in Knoxville on Sat. June 3rd at the Knoxville Convention Center. Be sure to come out and say hello, but to tide you over in the meantime, read on to see what she's been doing with herself these last few years. Welcome back, DDG! 

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