Over the past year, you may have gotten the chance to know one of our newer skaters, Meryl Kreep, but she was a different person back then. She shed her former moniker, Grim Kreeper, and has become the skater you will get to see this year, Meryl Kreep. Let’s learn what makes Kreep so Kreepy.
Name: Meryl Kreep
Number: 10
Home Team: Black Bettys
Travel Team: Brawlers & Allstars
Years Skating: 1
Trans Jam nominated you as May’s Featured Skater. She wanted to know how you got into derby and what all of your goals are.
I’ve played sports for most of my life until I started to party as a sophomore in college. After graduating and beginning my career, I realized I wanted to become a part of a team again. I was always interested in roller derby, but put off the chance to give it a try for several years. Now that I’ve joined the team, I really enjoy it. My goals moving forward are to increase my overall knowledge of the sport and to become a better skater.
When you began Fresh Meat, what did you see as your planned outcomes?
Photo Credit: BM Photography
I wanted to make the team, of course. However, I also wanted to learn more about the sport and figure out what position I would fit best.
Did last season meet your expectations?
Photo Credit: BM Photography
Yeah, I honestly surprised myself. I learned a lot about derby and how to skate in general. Additionally, when I joined the team, I made some amazing friends whom I might not have met otherwise.
What do you see as your strengths on the track?
I think I’m stronger than I look and I have the determination to always get back up despite some of the big hits I take.
Do you have a favorite moment from last season or this season?
Last season in the last play of a game, I hit an opponent and laid her on her back. We won. I felt pretty alive after that.
Last season, you were mostly seen on the track as a jammer. Do you plan to be mainly a jammer this year? Why?
Photo Credit: MissyZ Designs
I’ve always kind of hoped I would be a blocker. I initially thought I would do well in that position, but it didn’t pan out that way last season. I enjoy jamming, but I would also like to learn and succeed at other positions as well.
You skated under a different name last season. What made you change your name?
Photo Credit: NV-US Photography
Oh, I was originally Grimm Kreeper. I’ve always liked the ‘Kreep’ part because, if you know me, it sort of fits my personality. I went with that name last season, but the truth is I’m pretty bad at making decisions and I was never truly happy with that name. I actually really wanted my skater name to be a play on a woman’s name. Meryl Streep is awesome, and my favorite actress, so I chose to do a play on her name. I got to keep ‘Kreep,’ too.
Your career is quite interesting. Tell us about that.
Oh, it’s super fun. I’m a Location Scout for Jupiter Entertainment. I find places to film for Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda andMurder Chose Me on the ID Network; they’re true crime recreation shows, so it’s a lot of murder. I get to work with a lot of quirky people. I like the weird ones, so I fit right in. It’s strange hours, but I prefer it over sitting in an office from 9-5. I tried that; not for me.
What is your favorite thing to do when not on the track?
First and foremost, I love to sleep. When I’m not sleeping, I love hanging out with my beautifully, handsome, androgynous girlfriend & #1 fan. Dancing and drinking margaritas with my close friends is a close second. I can frequently be found at concerts, poetry slams, traveling & eating funky cheeses.
Who would you like to nominate as the next featured skater and what would you like to ask them?
I’m nominating Sinister Siren, my derby wife, crystal lover, and painting mermaid. I wanna know when she’s planning on skating in a pair of shorts.
Thank you everyone for getting to know Meryl Kreep better with me today. And you know what is even better than getting to read about her? Coming out on May 18, and getting to see her in action in our first home bout! Hard Knox Roller Girls is getting ready for the beginning of our home season. Come to the Worlds Fair Exhibition Hall and get to meet all the girls you have read about. Tickets are on sale now!
Also join us at Buffalo Wild Wings on May 9 for our season kick-off party. See you soon!