June Featured Skater: Armr'd Rose

June Featured Skater: Armr'd Rose

Welcome back, readers! You may not have had a chance to see her yet, but once you do, you won’t forget her.  She has a long derby history, skating with Cherry City Derby Girls, Rose City Rollers, Portland Men’s Roller Derby, and now us! Are you as ready as I am to penetrate the armor and get to know the inner Rose?

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May Featured Skater: Mazzu

May Featured Skater: Mazzu

She is fast, she is peppy, and she is dedicated to the derby life. You probably have not had the opportunity to see Mazzu on the track yet, but she is worth keeping an eye out for. Mazzu has recently joined Hard Knox and is already leaving her mark on the track. I got the opportunity to discuss what motivates her and how her dedication for the sport has had a positive impact on her life. 

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HKRG Skate-a-thon!!!

HKRG Skate-a-thon!!!

Hey there derby friends and fans! It's almost time for our annual Skate-a-thon fundraiser which is happening on May 6th from 8-9pm, and we are currently looking for sponsors. You can help support our league by making a pledge per lap, sponsoring your favorite skater, or by making a one time flat rate donation. Any little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. We’re ready to skate off our buns for funds!

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