Agent Skaar, Wicked Wench and Space Riot accepted the County Commissioner's resolution honoring the Hard Knox Rollergirls during National Women's History Month.
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This is basically my origins story. If this were a comic book it would be my first issue. How did I get started in roller derby? Buckle up. It’s a crazy story.
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As one of the original members of Hard Knox Rollergirls, this tiny tank deserves some respect, both as a seasoned coach and a long-time skater. Her "mess stuff up" blocking strategy makes her a solid blocker, whether on offense or defense. Who does this derby girl look up to? Read on to learn more about Barbara Bushwhacker!
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Join your Hard Knox Rollergirls for a family-friendly St. Patrick's Day SLAMROCK skate-a-thon! We're skating as many laps as we can in an hour to raise funds for the league. Come out to cheer on the hardest hitting ladies in Knoxville, followed by your chance to skate with the team.
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